Construction is one of the most energy-intensive industries, but architects and contractors are taking the lead in selecting sustainable materials for their designs.
What does it take to create eco-friendly buildings? Mostly a commitment to take the pledge to fight climate change, and a higher initial investment that will save money and protect our environment in the long term.
1. Reclaimed wood:
Wood is often thought as sustainable, but industrialization has been harsh on worldwide forests. Thus, some of the best creative minds are focusing their designs on how to reuse reclaimed wood as much as possible. Not only that reusing old wood from disused structures helps in preventing further deforestation, but such recycled wood comes with hundred years of stories
Sustainable Architecture by Faraj achmad With Kaltimber Recycled Ironwood flooring
2. Sheep’s wool insulation
This material is widely popular among architects seeking natural alternatives to fiberglass insulation or polyurethane spray foam. With a 10% greater insulating factor, but also the capacity to absorb, retain and release moisture, sheep wool will adapt to both warm and cold weather changes. Additionally, it can be composted at the end of its life.
3. Rammed Earth
This is one of the oldest construction techniques, used for example for the construction of the Great Wall of China! Nowadays, rammed earth bricks are making a comeback because of their numerous advantages. While the initial cost can be a bit higher, other costs can be scrapped as this technique reduces the need for painting, interior lining or event exterior cladding.
4. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)
ICF are insulating foam panels joined with the help of metal rods with a gap filled with concrete during construction. They help to reduce the emission of Carbon Dioxide, improve air quality and guarantee energy efficiency..
Concrete itself isn’t the most eco-friendly material, but, “reinforced concrete is a material with extremely high embodied energy. When manufacturing the cement, large amounts of CO2 are released”, but concrete is very good to control heat within a building, and its durability lessens the need for replacement.
5. Bamboo
Bamboo architecture by Asali Bali
One of the most acclaimed sustainable materials among experts is bamboo.a grass family members that grow back very fast after being cut down, As our friends from Asali Bali explain, “bamboo can get 20 to 30m in 3 to 6 month depending on the species. For 3 to 5 years the bamboo will grow wall thickness and is mature to be harvested for construction” .
Read our dedicated article about bamboo to find out more!